A different day...

My first Kenya elections.

I just got back from the poll station at Iltalal. My first time to vote in Kenya. I was impressed by how everything was well organized.
Pleased to see the commander of our game scouts helping the Electoral staff.
Amazed by the well ordered and silent line.
A register of voters has the elector number, his/her photo, his/her name, his/her ID or passport number: very impressive.
Different clerks handed me the six different ballots and registered the ballot was given to the elector.
I casted my six ballots: for the Presidency, for the Parliament, for Senator, for Governor, for Woman representative and for County representative. Clearly colored boxes helped putting each ballot in its appropriate box.
Clerks from the Electoral Commission were there to help, in case one needed.

It felt "strange" to vote in the same school I helped building and I help running.

I left with a sense of pride. The voting exercise was fast (well, at least for me: the community kindly allowed me to not queue) and smooth.

The Kenya media has been exceptionally good and did not fuel any "heat" around these elections.

We shall see who our next President will be. Today I felt very proud to be Kenyan, in my Maasai community.

Luca, March 4th, 2013


  1. Thank you for sharing, it is very interesting. I am going to read more about Woman representative. I've never heard of that. Very cool!


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